Copy and paste Conditions
jazz ernest
How has it been years and this still doesn't exist
Mete Polat
+1 - have to often adjust logic when adding new functionality to prototypes and finding myself adding the same condition over and over...
Rory Foulger
this would be very helpful - it's incredibly frustrating that even when you 'paste with triggers' it very rarely actually does that.
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Merged in a post:
Copy and Paste interactions with attached Conditions
Kevin Guenther
Being able to copy and paste screen elements from scene to scene or even file to file with their triggers and actions attached would be a huge time-saver!
Jon Sandler
Seconded. We already have an established connection between the element and the trigger/action. It would be great to be able to move that all and reduce tedious connections over and over in each page
Loïc Axance
Me too I have to recreate all the time ...