Customizable Layer & Background blur like in Figma
Chaeyoung Lee
Please!!! I really need this feature!!
Elyria Designer
just give opportunity to make blur like effects, not like different type of layer, its just uncomfortable, when you always should to think about special layer in protopie...FOR ALL THE SCEENS... and i dont have apple device, with "special apple settings"...its sounds like cringe... figma player dont have problems with blur
liu cheng
I don't know how background blur is used? No layers to blur
liu cheng
I have set up 3 layers
liu cheng
Is it possible to set the blur value of the background?
liu cheng
I can't achieve this blur effect
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
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borders blur for layers
i need to use blur effect not only like a definetely layer, but also like effect of layer boundaries
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
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Us blur and camera layer as effect of the layer, not like a shape or media, its confuses. Second one about blur, i need more options with blur with the slider of variable to more comfortable using this feature. Like in figma. Cause you have only light or dark mode and only for ios devises. Why you dont have option to use it for android too? i really need this.
语 林
I also hope to have the function of blur. It would be better if it also includes background blur
emeric martin
this feature would be great please
David Lee
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Custom Blur
Philipp Nürnberg
Yeah, we have the "iOS background blur" layer with several variants. But it would be cool to have a custom blur option, too. I guess your OS oriented blurs take the native information from the different operation systems like iOS or Android (if running on the device) or it just imitates them but sometimes I am working on products that have custom blurs at different spots and it would be cool to use them instead to have a "placeholder" blur or a blurred image imported from Sketch.
Steve Mancera
Make it as close as Figma or HTML's rendering, as it's one of the common intentions or import options for ProtoPie's product.
One thing to remember is : Layer Blur and Background Blur should be different and separate from each other.
David Lee
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Improve background blur
Andrey Zhilin
Add a generic option for the background blur layer.
First of all thank you very much for your work on that feature, its nice to see these things being available to us!
I'd only ask for some sort of generic, platform independent mode for this, with more flexible parameters like radius or translucency (Figma style). iOS options, while capable, are way too restrictive and do not allow any creative freedom.
Thank you!
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