Philipp Nürnberg
When embedding pies into a webpage, please please make socketIO connections between the webpage and the pie possible.
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Erica L Iframes is currently the only way, here's an example: https://codepen.io/fredotan/pen/rEpBvb
You can find many tutorials on the web on how to set up iframes. If you can't get it to work, we suggest you seek advice in our community: https://join.slack.com/t/protopioneers/shared_invite/zt-18o5t70jq-knAHVH7mKugclFz_xLYj5w
Erica L
Patricia (ProtoPie Team): that iframe html isn't working for me. I reached out to the team on Slack, they didn't know either.
Erica L
Patricia (ProtoPie Team): according to codepen, this code should work for me: <div style="position: absolute; overflow: hidden; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 900px; height: 1600px;">
<iframe src="https://cloud.protopie.io/p/255e8efc0d?touchHint=true&ui=false&scaleToFit=false&cursorType=touch&mockup=true&playerAppPopup=true" scrolling="no" style="height: 1200px; border: 0px none; width: 1600px; margin-top: -60px; margin-left: -350px">
uxfol.io will not recognize it, however.
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Erica L: In that case it might be a limitation of Uxfol.io. We suggest you contact their customer support for assistance!
Erica L
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Merged in a post:
embed prototype in a webpage
and suk
I do a lot of protopie work and I need a way t0 embed my protopie prototype in a webpage and portfolios
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
under review
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Merged in a post:
Redesign UI for Embedding on Website
Amir Shinawi
In spite of paying for a premium plan, users who embed their prototypes on their personal websites must put it next to what is essentially an ad for ProtoPie. For many of us, a website is used as our portfolio. Numerous ads for ProtoPie scattered throughout an individual’s portfolio looks really unprofessional. Once again, we’re paying for the service. It would be great to have the ability to embed the prototype with just the device frame and maybe a little box that explains how to use it.
lorcan Oshanahan
There is a web URL you can add to the embed code to hide that popup on the side. But it still feels a bit janky
Erica L
lorcan Oshanahan: what iframe tag worked for you? I can't get anything to work in uxfol.io.
lorcan Oshanahan
Erica L: <<<protopie link>>>?touchHint=true&ui=false&scaleToFit=false&cursorType=touch&mockup=true&playerAppPopup=true
lorcan Oshanahan
for notion btw. i dunno
Edgar Kay
It’s not only about portfolio but also clutter-free, undistracted and controlled documentation. Say I’m creating a handoff document in Notion and I embed the pie under the paragraph where I detail the interaction and conditions, I just want my stakeholders to see and interact with THE pie not the page where the pie is (along with all the other controls).
You can use your pie share url with iframe tag like following:
<iframe src="{PIE_SHARE_URL_HERE}" width="375" height="667"></iframe>
Matthew Vargas
ProtoPie: Is there a way to remove the black background (or at least reduce the padding) for the iPhone 11 device frame when you're using an iframe embed? It looks great when I use the iPhone 8, and shrink the iframe down to size, but the padding on the iPhone 11 makes the presentation look outdated and chunky.
Erica L
ProtoPie: this doesn't work for me in uxfol.io
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