I use ProtoPie for ux reserch. We send a link to the prototype made by ProtoPie to our clients and analyze how they use it. But it's hard to get data from prototype remotely.
For now i collect all data to text string and apply it to the link, after I activated the link in prototype and catch the result with any webhook service.
It would be great if I could send text variables directly from the prototype, and save them to google sheet through Zapier.
So I can easily collect data from my users when they use prototype.
ProtoPie doesn't have any api, so Zapier can't add integration by themselves.
For some background, most Zapier integratoins are built by the companies themselves; ProtoPie could build a Zapier integration through developer platform here: https://zapier.com/developer
Here's a link with more on the process of how new services get added: https://zapier.com/help/getting-new-service-zapier