Reset single Component (not complete Scene)
Ryan Cuppernull
+1 for this. Currently work arounds are pretty cumbersome and as others noted on the old reply from ProtoPie, perhaps there is a bug with current reset of component as it does not reset all layers of the component to their original states.
Tony Wallström
yes, totally agree.
Joncreative Studios
Felix Schüssel Felix this is a great topic;Upvoting this feature.
One of my Teams are holding discussions around Global interaction libraries.
However, being able to reset components, at both the child level and parent level; is essential for full interaction state for users.
Figma Team this would be a great feature for Enterprise Teams as well; even before we consider importing a library of Design System Components into the Protopie ecosystem.
Jeff Clarke
I handle this by making the component respond to a RESET message, and the receive for that message in the component handles restting the component to its initial state. This gives you a bit more flexibility too, in case you want a specific aspect of your component to NOT reset with everything else.
Airnauts Kacperski
Jeff Clarke: can you elaborate on that a bit more? I think I'm in a situation where I need to reset all animations of a given component. It's a slider indicator.
Jeff Clarke
Airnauts Kacperski: inside your component set up a receive set to respond the message RESET sent from the parent. In that receive, do eveymrything you need to do in order to Reset the component to its initial state. You can just simply use Reset responses for each of the animated layers inside the component as needed.
Then from the parent scene, you can use a Send to send the message RESER directly to the component you want to reset.
Sorin Oprisor
i'd also like an option to reset "current component" similar to reset current scene. For me it is useful for reseting a loading animation.
Felix Schüssel
Although you can also select a specific component in the reset action, it does not reset it, but only it's root layer's properties.
You can select a specific component as well. Can you share your screen shots that you could not select other components than the current scene?
Felix Schüssel
ProtoPie: Hi there! Thanks for the response. Selecting the component that way only resets the properties of the component's root layer, and leaves all child objects of the component untouched. That way, it is not very helpful. Or is that behavior a bug?
What i suggest is a way to reset the component (including all it's objects) to it's initial state.
michael ploj
ProtoPie: Agree, reset in component doesn't work unless you preview in the master component. Once the component is embedded into a scene, it doesn't work.
Tyson Young
ProtoPie to second Felix Schüssel's request, this is what I currently have to do to get a simple component back to its original state.
Would love if there was a 'Reset component' option within the component itself. I thought that's what 'Reset CURRENT scene' would do, but it seems to reset the scene where the component is placed.
Given when editing a component it's in it's own scene, I would have that's the scene 'reset current scene' refers to. Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong though 😬