3D/XR/AR/VR Support
jijaa gan
My Feature request is, import 3D object.
Look this examples you can easily understand
Eddie Scott
Would love to know more about this and if it will be in the 2024 roadmap?
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Philipp Nürnberg
Patricia (ProtoPie Team): Can you give a glimpse on how the non-XR/AR/VR 3D topic will be handled? Will there be any connection to 3D engines like Unreal or Unity? Maybe via Noesis (noesisengine.com) like the rive.app is doing it?
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Philipp Nürnberg: these features are actually still being explored.
Luke Han Can we share something more?
Koen van Niekerk
Would be super cool.
Though I suspect a lot of the examples you give work with prerendered video and gestures controling the playback. Protopie might be already capable of this…
Mate Barkoczi
Hi, is Protopie Cloud feature available from Quest browser as a student as well?
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Merged in a post:
Camera AR
Konstantinos Partheniadis
Ability to detect markers via camera to quickly prototype Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality experiences (think Meta).
Should allow basics of:
- import marker images to be detected
- detect marker X,Y
- responses to chain, move, 3d rotate etc UI Elements on the marker
Example application: show extra information when camera points to a book cover, or start audio playback of the book.
Thanks Protopie team for all the goodies you made so far! 🫶
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Merged in a post:
3D Support
Alen Khoduzadeh
Ability to add 3d scene and import and manipulate FBX files
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Merged in a post:
XR/AR/VR support
Fredo Tan
ARKit (iOS)
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
under review
Takatoshi Hattori
Patricia (ProtoPie Team): I am struggling with pseudo 3D representation prototype (for example tesla's real 3D IC) with ProtoPie. I hope I can use 3D(OpenGL) model.
Philipp Nürnberg
Patricia (ProtoPie Team): Since this FR is "Under Review" now, I would like to link the "XR/AR/VR Support" FR, because this is next to XR&Co. also about 3D engine support (many FRs were collected there).
From my point of view, it could be interesting to think about a communication solution between Unreal/Unity and ProtoPie, to avoid the implementation of WebGL/WebGPU based 3D objects, which can't hold the quality of Unreal and Unity. And real-time 3D with both engines is a hot topic these days.
I know, that all 3rd party content right now is integrated into the .pie file to provide independent prototypes, which can be run in web and Connect Desktop/Embedded. But I'm sure you will find a smart solution. Maybe something like a combination of a Bridge communication like with Arduino to make both sides reactive + an undefined visualization of the Unreal/Unity viewport, which is exported and can be imported or maybe live. Or you create a .pie integration for these engines. Not sure about how many options are possible.
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Philipp Nürnberg: they have been merged! This project is still being discussed, so we don't know yet how exactly 3D & AR support will be implemented, but we can confirm it's in the roadmap, stay tuned :)
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Update: ProtoPie Cloud now supports Oculus Quest Browser: https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/oculus-browser/#about-oculus-browser
More to come, stay tuned 👀
Patricia (ProtoPie Team)
Merged in a post:
Unreal engine and unity 3D game engine support
and sul
The ability to use this fast and engine plug in of some sort, would be huge in the game industry like a can't even put it in to words how fast this software would be adobted and billions of dollar made.... thanks:D
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